The Department of Correctional Services (DCS) is looking for youth from various communities with appropriate qualifications to enter into the training towards acquiring the Further Education and Training (FET) Certificate in Corrections Services Learnership (NQF Level 4). An opportunity to acquire skills, knowledge and workplace experience in the field of Corrections and earn a stipend of R3738,25 per month for the twelve-month duration of the learnership.
The learners will be trained in the areas of rehabilitation of offenders through correction and human development in a secure, safe and humane detention or under community-based correctional supervision. English will be used as the medium of instruction. Enrolment in the learnership does not guarantee permanent employment in the Department.
Minimum Requirements:
- South Africans who are in possession of the Grade 12 or National Senior Certificate;
- South Africans who have successfully completed the National Certificate in Vocational Studies (NQF Level 4); or
- South Africans who have successfully completed a further Education and Training Certificate (NQF Level 4).
Please Note:
- Specify the learnership reference number which you are applying for (e.g. KwaZulu Natal Region: Durban (Ref E22/2022).
- Ensure that the application form is fully completed and signed by the applicant (not by a proxy, agent nor representative of the applicant).
- NB: Use the correct reference number for the management area to which you are applying in the applicable block on the application form. The reference numbers are indicated further below.
- Attach copies of your qualifications and identity document. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and identity document.
- No late, incomplete or unsigned application forms shall be accepted. Furthermore, photocopies of completed forms, faxed or emailed applications shall not be accepted.
Location: South Africa
How To Apply
Step 1: View full details of the learnership here>>Learnership Correctional Services 2023/2024
Step 2: Download the Learnership application form here>>Corrections-Learnership-Application-Form-2023/2024
Closing date: 15 February 2023.