Protea Chemicals Learnerships 2020 – 2021

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Protea Chemicals offers South Africans the right learnerships opportunity to pursue their careers and hire unemployed people. Protea Chemicals is part of Omnia’s chemical division. The Protea Chemicals Learnership program offers R300 P / M and is usually the sixth month.

Protea Chemicals has been active for over 50 years and offers the best people in the chemical industry. It is seen as a major presence in all sectors with a broad distribution market.

Protea Chemicals Learnerships available

There are many scholarships available at this establishment; other careers may include:

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering

Protea Chemicals Learnerships Requirements

Applicants must include detailed war vitae, contact information and all information they feel is relevant to their application. Include certified copies of all relevant certificates, identity documents and proof of address for a maximum of three months. Nominees must be permanent South African citizens and permanent residents.

Other Opportunity: Murray and Roberts Learnerships

Most nominees are also expected to have the following:

  • Matric
  • Chemical or electrical diploma
  • You have to be a team player
  • You need to stay safe at all times
  • You have to be physically fit
  • Computer Information

Application for Protea Chemicals Learnerships

The online learning process is made available in different areas throughout the year. Visitors can find more details on their website. Find more information on the Protea Chemicals Career website.

Applications must ensure that the application is completed in full and contains all relevant documentation. Do not consider applications or applications that are missing or incomplete.

Protea Chemicals learnerships closing date

Closing dates are usually from December with the start of the next academic year. Candidates can see the learnership on their worksheet and also look at the advertisement as their learnerships will be placed in the newspapers and online when they open.